This is my
first blog entry, honestly is just to see how it’s going to look and test the
options of the site (I know that blogging is not so new, but it is for me), but
also I’m going to take advantage of the moment to introduce myself; so my name
is Luis Colmenares, father of two beautiful children (Sabrina and Rafael), husband
of a gorgeous and amazing woman (don’t let her know I said it) and currently
working as a freelancer (starting, but you get the idea).
I’m from
Venezuela, an amazing country, full of wonders, opportunities and most of all,
future. You’ll ask “future, how?” and I’ll tell you, yes, future, cause besides
the difficulties we are facing right now and all the problems that hunt us
every day, we are determined to pass beyond all of this hell that has fell upon
us so we can build a better future.
There is a
theory that talks about certain conditions which some civilizations, cultures, countries
have to go through to evolve. This theory mentions a so called “Spirit”, force
or how the ancient Greeks call it πνεύμα (neuma), falls upon these places to
make them change into something better. We can see some examples in countries
like Japan, Germany, France, Italy or even Greece; they were once places very
poor or close minded, then by some internal or external circumstances,
sometimes even both, people began to change, some started thinking deeply, some
became inventors, designers, artists, writers, in some cases a single person
did everything I mentioned and even more.
Wow, it
seems I extended too long this start up test, in future entries I will talk
more about the theory and much more.
See you