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Thursday, February 18, 2016

A couple of days before I saw a video if this person making different chicken wings recipes, so I decided to try them out to see if it was that easy. The result was not as expected, but I think the next time it will be better. 

So let’s see the ingredients and the recipe.

-Chicken wings (about 1 pound)
-Salt (at taste)
-Pepper (at taste)
-2 Cups of Bread
-1tbsp of Brown sugar
-2tbsp of Honey
-1tbsp of Butter
-1/2Cup of Soy sauce
-1/2 Cup of Hot sauce
-1/2 Cup of Bittersweet sauce.
-Sesame seeds


Mix well the bread with the salt and the pepper in a bowl. Put the chicken wings in the bowl and make sure they get full covered in the mixture, then fry them until they are golden crispy. Once you are done with the chicken wings is time for the next step.


Tip: usually when I am frying chicken tend to do it at 3 different temperatures, first with really hot oil, so it instantly seals the cover, then I slowly drop the temperature to medium to get the chicken fully cooked and to finish it, I just get the temperature back to high so the it gets crispier and the oil becomes ready for the next round.

Let’s do the teriyaki chicken wings first, put the soy sauce in a mixing bowl, and then add the brown sugar, 1tbsp of honey and some sesame seeds mix well and put in a pan at medium heat. When this mixture starts to boil (be careful, stir with a wooden pallet so it doesn’t burn) throw in some chicken wings and move them so the mixture fully covers them. You’ll be able to see that the chicken wings are ready when the sauce covers them and it has a caramelize touch.

For the second recipe we will do the bittersweet chicken wings; it is as simple as the teriyaki ones, the only difference is that this one’s don’t have brown sugar. So it goes like this, mix the bittersweet sauce with 1tbs of honey, then put in a pan until it starts to boil and add the chicken wings.

Last but not least, my favorite ones, the spicy chicken wings (or buffalo wings) is almost the same procedure, just mix in a pan at medium heat the hot sauce with the butter until it all blends well, and then add the chicken wings until they get completely covered with the mixture.

Tip: Use as much hot sauce as you can handle (I used a mild one, with a milk base). For extra spicy taste add hot peppers cut in strings.

When you are done with all the procedure comes the decisive part of each recipe; the tasting part, in my case I liked the result, but I could have done a better job, so the next time I decide to make them it’s going to be a whole different story.

This is my first time posting a recipe, so let me know if I need to explain myself in a different way.

Luis Colmenares.
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